
Laws made by common consent must not be trampled on by individuals.

George Washington

I find it most fitting to yesterday's post. I find it most fitting to countries acting against common consent laws. I find it most fitting to Switzerland acting against common consent laws. And quite frankly to most aspects I have written about, and will write about in the coming months.

When the law violates the law, the only recourse is violating the law.

I'll let you think about that one for a second... It can be interpreted in so many ways.

I give you one interpretation: When the law (authorities) violates the law (common consent human rights), then the only recourse is violating the law (denouncing state wrongdoing under the universal right to truth).

Tags: #fesip

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. This blog gets the proverbial pants on!

information provided as is, without prejudice, without any prejudicial recognition, and with reservation of all rights, expressly without recognition of any Swiss competence which remains contested

for the avoidance of any doubt whatsoever, all information on this blog, such as but not limited to documents and/or audio recordings and/or video recordings and/or pictures mentioned, have been made and/or collected, and published, in the interest of justice and the public at large

the Universal Declaration of Human Rights applies to everything on this blog

the Universal Right to Truth principle applies to everything on this blog

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