which conventions does Switzerland violate?
I feel it is time to make a list of the various conventions Switzerland violates on subjects of child kidnapping, of child sexual and psychological integrity, human rights and whistleblower rights. I add the date in DD/MM/YYYY format since when Switzerland has to execute them. This list is non exhaustive, and may evolve (be added to) over time.
United Nations
As per Switzerland's being bound to the 1990 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, the only convention Switzerland could try to wiggle its way out of is the 1987 Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
To me it is shocking Switzerland is not party to a number of “Core International Human Rights Treaties”, such as:
- United Nations Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
- United Nations International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
One must conclude Switzerland has issues with having to justify itself for violations of Civil and Political rights. And it is universally known Switzerland has issues with respecting Migrants, especially those who are Migrant Workers. Still, Switzerland is seen as a beacon of human rights.
Observe also Switzerland with all its aura and poo-ha claiming to be highest ranking in human rights, it only became a member of the UN, and as a consequence adhering to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in ... 2002! Look at this example as to how Switzerland pets its back glorifying its superiority
In fact, so proud can it be and kudos, for it is among the very last nations on our planet to join the UN, in the league of the likes of East Timor and South Sudan ... Even the world's most repressive regimes, such as for example North Korea, felt compelled to join the UN well before the Swiss.
If they waited to join the UN so they could adapt their human rights violating ways first, well, that's a bummer. The Swiss violate most of the United Nations conventions. Oh, but that's because they have not had the time over the last 20 years? The Swiss are known to be ... slow?
Don't kid yourselves, the Swiss were there long before, pushing their continued 2nd world war agenda. Don't kid yourself, they are at least accessory to war crimes.
Council of Europe
Switzerland joined the Council of Europe as a member state on 06/05/1963. While a few are posterior to VCLT, being member of the Council of Europe (COE) requires states to execute the COE conventions regardless of their national laws, jurisprudence or praxis.
Hague Conventions
Sadly, the Hague Conventions are only applicable and not executable. They help, guide states achieve better unification of their different laws and procedures.
So for those conventions before the VCLT in 1990, Switzerland can do as they pretty please. Those after, Switzerland has to execute.
The conventions pre 1990 are part of the reason why Swiss authorities are actively involved in international child abductions with full impunity.
This is regardless of the fact Switzerland is a founding member and became a party on 06/05/1957.
It makes the non respect of these conventions by Switzerland all the more painful for Switzerland's international credibility as a state of rule of law.
Above I have non exhaustively listed conventions of the 3 major international bodies. I've not listed them all, nor listed other international bodies or bilateral agreements between states.
If this non exhaustive list of conventions violated by Switzerland does not show why I say Switzerland is a criminal state, then I feel sorry for you.
Each of the conventions will get discussed in the future on the blog, exactly which articles are violated, how, with evidence thereto.
Tags: #Rights
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