Wir haben es nicht gewusst: Swiss state organised sexual violence on children

As usual, Switzerland is first to know and influence the rule of international law and praxis. This is no different in matters of sexual violence perpetrated on children.

Switzerland is used to doing the opposite of what it dictates the world to do. It has no independent body with expertise and authority inside its borders when it comes to child sexual violence.

It is like a written exam supervisor demanding people would not speak during the exam while talking loudly on the phone about how the silent and hard working students do not respect the exam rules.

I'll split this in parts over the coming days.

  1. international conventions dealing with sexual violence on children.
  2. overview of the Swiss NGO's in matters of sexual violence on children.
  3. why these Swiss NGO's shit their pants and run away.
  4. overview how and why Swiss authorities push the “hot potato” subject around so no one takes responsibility.
  5. which articles of which conventions Switzerland knowingly and deliberately violates, and in doing so children's rights

Before diving into them, a little disclaimer. I am a Dutroux generation adolescent. I was in highschool, of simmilar age as some of the Dutroux victims, when the case burst out.

In schools around the country, and in the media we were clearly taught about what behavior is and is not possible, how to deal with it, how it affects both boys and girls, etc.

I was profoundly affected. This could have been me. How lucky was I.

The white march back home in Belgium demanded politics to never again fail dealing with wrongdoing by the state in matters of sexual child abuse.

Later, the sexual violence in the church came into public stormy waters. The white march, anyone? State failing yet again.

Quarter of a century later, while everywhere in the world the same demand for state accountability by the public is still outspoken, Switzerland, in its usual keep-the-lid-on secrecy and omerta mentality still claims there is (virtually) no sexual violence on children.

Switzerland did and still does not know the holocaust while the rest of the world underlines it, and because of that denial it still financially and politically benefits today. With the same mentality Switzerland today does not know sexual abuse on children, and financially and politically benefits from it. That is only because the world allows Switzerland to benefit politically and financially from not knowing the wrong in the world.

When I first spoke out about the sexual violence on my daughter I had been witness of, I could not fathom the journey I would be taken on. As a child being confronted with what is sexually unacceptable, did I know that as a parent my own children would be undergoing it. Did I know I would not be alone, learn there are hundreds of thousands of people, quarter of a century after Dutroux, who still undergo state organised criminality.

So I point the finger vividly at Switzerland, both for personal reasons (my children), but particularly because Switzerland is front and center in the law game, granting asylum to perpetrators, and structurally violating more then just my children. To me the structural wrongdoing by the Swiss state exemplifies why around the world states still fail sexually violated children.

I wish to thank a person I met this morning at breakfast. He does not know he triggered a big “aha erlebnis”. He pointed out how belief systems use punishment and rewards, and embed it in communities around the world. It makes the individual victim responsible for what it is enduring. Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, and so many eclectic life philosophies claim in this life you live the punishments of what you did wrong in previous lives, or previously in your current life. I've heard and been told this over and over again without it ever feeling right. This morning it came together why this whole punishment and rewards thing never felt right to me.

As long as people hold on to punishment and rewards systems, children will keep on being sexually abused, and states will keep failing. For states are only a reflection of those working in and for it.

I am no believer other then I do believe everyone is entitled to their belief and express their belief in whichever way individually seen fit, as long as it does not harm another, particularly the future of lives, children.

If your belief, whichever the reason for your belief, is that a child gets sexually abused as a reward to the adult for something done right, and as a punishment towards the child for something done wrong, in this or a past life ...

If you claim “it's been part of belief systems throughout millennia”, or “it's always existed so will always exist so don't waste your time”, or ...

well, allow me to be blunt: screw you (should be shame on you, but in front of this I can not remain polite)

I'll write in a few weeks about the chemical, physical and psychological brain damage sexual violence causes on children's brains, for life.

Tags: #Rights #Sexual

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