Swiss Federal Office of Police and Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner violation of human rights

I learned today that the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) and the Federal Office of Police (FEDPOL) indicated to Belgian authorities that they refuse to remedy the illegal SIS-II notifications against my person and maintain their illegal refusal of access to information about myself and my children.

So I took my (proverbial) pen and sent them an email. Had already been published on the matter: – Transnational Repression by Switzerlandletters to Swiss authorities (bottom correspondence)

Herewith copy of the reply sent today at Thu, 15 Jun • 6:56 pm

TO: Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) TO: Federal Office of Police (FEDPOL) COPY: Swiss Federal Prosecutor COPY: Federal Councillor Elisabeth Baume-Schneider, responsible for FEDPOL COPY: European Data Protection Supervisor SIS-II

Referring to my message dd Tue, 9 May • 8:08 am titled {censored case number} sent to:,,,, and all previous correspondences relating to the transnational repression and persecution through Swiss authorities violation of SIS-II, Swiss and international access to data regulations.

Swiss law provides for the information about myself and my children to have to be supplied within 30 days. GDPR law provides for the information about myself and my children to have to be supplied within 30 days. SIS-II rules provide for right to access and correction of my and my children's information in SIS-II, which your offices are denying, initiating February 2022.

Swiss authorities violate SIS-II rules since 2020. Even Cantonal police confirmed in writing the Swiss justice system forces them to violate SIS-II rules.

I have learned today that now Swiss authorities claim to foreign authorities I would not collaborate, and that hence your authorities have arbitrarily decided, without duly informing me, to keep illegal Swiss SIS-II notices against my person, and not give me access to the information and its correction I am entitled to.

If anyone is not collaborating it is the Swiss authorities themselves, who fail to provide transparent access to information, obstruct justice, and violate the most basic human rights, including child human rights, including access to justice.

The transnational repression and international persecution of my person as a whistleblower in possession of more then 500 hours recordings and documents, documenting Swiss authorities violation of (human) rights, including FEDPOL and EDOEB.

As published on the subject of ongoing SIS-II violations by the Swiss state:

As published on the subject of Right to Access to Justice violations by the Swiss state:

As published on the subject of Swiss state whistleblowing persecution, non protection of victims and witnesses of child sexual integrity violations, international child kidnapping organised by Swiss authorities from 4 countries, and violations of human rights by Switzerland:

Both FEDPOL and/or EDOEB have 10 calendar days from this notice to provide a full and detailed access to all elements about my person and my children, including the alleged reasons for refusing to remedy the illegal notice(s), and this backdating since the first request for access in January 2022, failing which will be held personally liable for the denied access to justice, refusal to make essential evidence available, transnational repression and persecution, and the non remedy of human rights violations the directors of the EDOEB and FEDPOL.

Should there be any doubt about the 10 calendar days, the 30 days prescribed by Swiss and international law have been long violated by both FEDPOL and EDOEB, on repetition, and the 10 calendar days are what a non legal scholar, foreigner, of foreign language, from another country, is typically by your human rights violating laws and praxis pressed into.

The information, as per international law prescribed, is to be made available in electronic format.

Should this correspondence need to be drawn by a lawyer, as claimed by your authorities to foreign authorities for the purpose to maintain international repression and persecution against my person, then you are reminded it is your duty under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other International Instruments to stop violating the right to access to justice, and provide the financial means necessary for a lawyer experienced in prosecuting the Swiss state authorities for their criminal acts.

For the avoidance of any doubt whatsoever, all information, such as but not limited to documents and/or audio recordings and/or video recordings and/or pictures mentioned, have been made and/or collected, and are in the process of being published, in the interest of justice and the public at large. This correspondence, as for all elements, shall be published under the universal right to truth principle denouncing Swiss authorities organised intercantonal and international criminality and violation of rights.

Without any prejudicial recognition, and with reservation of all rights, expressly without recognition of any Swiss competence which remains contested.

Tags: #Rights #Whistleblower #Accesstojustice

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. This blog gets the proverbial pants on!

information provided as is, without prejudice, without any prejudicial recognition, and with reservation of all rights, expressly without recognition of any Swiss competence which remains contested

for the avoidance of any doubt whatsoever, all information on this blog, such as but not limited to documents and/or audio recordings and/or video recordings and/or pictures mentioned, have been made and/or collected, and published, in the interest of justice and the public at large

the Universal Declaration of Human Rights applies to everything on this blog

the Universal Right to Truth principle applies to everything on this blog

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