the use and abuse of false mediation and the mental health industry to legalise child kidnapping {continued}

Do you think mediation should be used in international kidnapping of children? Do you think mediation should be used in child sexual integrity violations? Think again ...

the use of mediation to avert criminal proceedings

Offering mediation in criminal behaviour against children gives the advantage to the perpetrators.

Kidnap the child, then you mediate whilst the child remains illegally detained in the hands of people whose greatest interest is to manipulate the child into saying whatever is convenient to the kidnapper's defence.

Sexually abuse a child, then you mediate whilst the child remains in sexual abuse recidivism.

Amazon bulks of books on the subject of child alienation, loyalty conflicts, victim-perpetrator dependence and other violence. It could not be more documented. And yet lawmakers, the judicial systems, and even the fourth power flee from the well documented child-perpetrator psychological abuse and power subject.

There should I believe never be any mediation in international child kidnapping and child sexual integrity violations.

A comparative table of mediation violation in Switzerland

- Standard SSI-S & Amorife Swiss Kidnapping Courts & Cerfasy Other Swiss Courts & judges
Start of mediation Within 2 weeks +3 months ± 3 months 9~12 months
co-mediation yes no no no
Trained mediator yes yes no no
Background match yes no no no
Competence match yes no no no
Pay-for-service no yes yes yes
Neutrality yes no no no
Mandate free imposed imposed imposed

the SSI-S leveraging power collegially with the Swiss mental health industry

The SSI-S and the Swiss courts use mental health professionals, producing false reports, to justify child kidnapping to Switzerland. Often, reports are contracted to state mental health authorities. Whether the non SSI-S contracting parent and/or the children met the mental health professional does not matter. The post Swiss psychologists are untouchable describes the problematic mental health professionals situation in Switzerland.

The psychologist Yvan Rupp, and probably also the cantonal head pedopsychiatrist Hélène Beutler (both of the CNP), interacted with the by the child kidnapping mother contracted SSI-S and the OPE (Office de Protection des Enfants = Neuchatel Child Protection Services) on how the kidnapping would substantiate.

Celia (Schaller) Fleuri, psychologist, directed the child kidnapping mother, at least by SMS, that the SSI-S, with her support, would be able to kidnap my children.

Pity Swiss law does not have criminal gang related legislation, unlike most of the civilised world. In many countries this typical mental health professionals and SSI-S ganging behaviour would constitute a criminal offence, and would be prosecuted. In Switzerland, no law, no problem.

Conclusion: mediation abuse and mental health ganging are made to serve perpetrators

The kidnapper, the pay-for-service SSI-S, the Swiss courts and Swiss authorities use mediation and the mental health industry for their child kidnapping planning and other purposes.

The perception of mediation in child kidnapping and CSIV is crucially important to wrongdoers. Real mediation rules are liberally violated. The word “mediation” is used merely and only in order to schmuck up grim and human right violating situations that need hiding by those calling for it. It is used and abused to take an essential place in the creation of a judicial truth that serves monetary interests, and serves criminal indictment avoidance interests, by Swiss state authorities and perpetrators and the SSI-S, in matters of International Child Abduction to Switzerland and CSIV in Switzerland.

The children in that? Except as a commercial and judicial excuse, children are no where in the picture of mediation or the mental health industry.

The protection of children from CSIV? Constantly deferred and put aside.

The target of mediation is simple: 1. kidnap children; 2. destroy all contact with the stay-at-home parent, closest family members, the child social circles, language, ...; 3. make sure the children can never be returned; 4. discredit children's spontaneous notification to the point that the origin of even hospital ER genital wounds do not get examined.

{End of series on mediation}

Tags: #Rights #Sexual #Kidnapping

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