What rabbit hole am I discovering ... Missing Children Europe violation of duty to children ?

Throughout the last 5 years I fell from astonishment to awe, discovering through personal experience with authorities how Switzerland is a criminal platform violating (child) human rights. No one in their right mind can believe reputed Non Governmental Organisations, and Authorities of reputed western countries, can be actively involved in violence and abuse against children.

I previously posted about Missing Children Europe (MCE), Missing Children Switzerland (MCS) and Childfocus (Missing Children Belgium – CF) in various posts:


CF was created on the back of the Marc Dutroux debacle in Belgium. People keep pointing to Dutroux, and consorts. I think rightly to a certain extend, but people forget if authorities would have taken responsibility and not made mistakes, the debacle would have never existed. More importantly, and I can not stress it enough: until today if authorities and NGO's would take their responsibility in Child Sexual Integrity Violations and child kidnappings the Dutroux victims, and society as a whole, would not have suffered, and would no longer suffer new casualties of CSIV, such as my children, today.

CF grew out to be internationally recognised, and on its basis MCE was created.

The MCE has national representatives running the European Union funded 116 000 child kidnapping and abuse emergency phone line, which is accessible throughout Europe.

Given the background and reputation of CF, I believed MCE and CF to be independent and operating for children. Not so independent it seems.

MCE child protection policy

The MCE child protection policy, as the name implies, provides rules to be followed in member states. It is the usual narrative on the basis of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. I list some highlights of the MCE policy:

Children need to be protected by preventing and responding to (intentional and unintentional) violence, exploitation and abuse against children. Non discrimination. Everyone is responsible for children safety. There is the obligation to denounce even the slightest allegation. A whole section lists what's expected from partners, and the code of conduct is applicable to anyone working with or on behalf of MCE.

The define Child safeguarding as:

the responsibility that organizations have to make sure that their staff, operations, and programs do not harm children, that they do not expose children to the risk of harm and abuse, and that any concerns the Organization has about children’s safety within the community is reported to the appropriate authorities.

Remember this for the upcoming post on the Service Social International Switzerland (SSI-S), the criminal NGO supreme in International Child Kidnapping and endangering children in situations of abuse.

Cherry on the cake:

Any adult present during the given situation should ensure that the child is in a safe place and as far away as possible from the immediate harm.

Yeah right, in your dreams they do. In real life, they do not.

MCE national representatives

On first account, both the MCE annual report 2022 and the representatives list on the MCE web site do not have ties to the ISS except Switzerland.

MCE has two national representatives in Switzerland. They are MCS and the as the International Social Service (ISS) posturing Service Social International Switzerland (SSI-S).

MCS admitted to having contractual ties with the SSI-S. See Part 2: Which Swiss NGO's should act in matters of sexual violence on children? Both the MCS and SSI-S are in violation of the MCE rules.

If you have any doubt of the variety of contractual ties between MCS and SSI-S, check the Swiss press, such as for example the announcement for the launch of the 116 000 MCE line in Switzerland

If you dig deeper in addresses you discover that the ISS has its sticky fingers in MCE, and other NGO's in various European Countries. NGO's such as Defence for Children International (DCI).

MCE refused to be transparent

MCE was contacted by email and by phone, giving them a chance to explain themselves, whether and which ties they have with the ISS, or whether and which ties their national representatives have with the ISS national members.

No transparency was provided, under the pretext that MCE do not have appropriate time to respond, and claim the request is, and I quote “inhumane”. I guess the MCE, nor its national entities, has any “humane” regard or respect for its child protection policy.

I pointed a child in danger has no week to spare. The response was that people are on holiday (this is not the holiday season). I guess when children go missing, MCE yawns for a week before thinking an adequate response might be in order.

Should a reply by the MCE ever substantiate, I'll naturally publish it.

However, given the amount of documents one can find online, referring to both organisations in title or in a same sentence, I feel it is to be expected both organisations maintain more then occasional working relationships, and the lack of response is more in line with time necessary to circumvent or hide the problematic ties between the MCE and the ISS?

I find it problematic that MCE, an organisation born from the ashes of one of the main public Child Sexual Integrity Violation debacles in the world, which had no ties to feminism or women's rights activism, and was purely based on children, which developed a unique world first competence in the matter, finds itself working ever more closely with a feminist organisation grounded in lobbying: “Children belong to women, and men are at best accessories who need to be made to pay beyond their abilities”. Let's not forget more then 75% of child kidnapping is done by mother perpetrators, that the ISS endeavours to defend child kidnapping by mothers/women keeping children with the perpetrators, and that the MCE is supposed to work to bring children back. Two ideologies which are diametrally incompatible.

What does MCE do “in bed with” the ISS?

To me, it could explain why neither CF nor MCS could or wanted to act following their contact with the by the mother contracted and paid for SSI-S, regardless of the facts and the recordings of the criminality and co-responsibility of the SSI-S available.

In the below table I bolded when I found the ISS has its sticky fingers in other credible national NGO's, simply based on web site. This list is naturally incomplete, and merits an in-depth examination of which NGO's the ISS and/or its national members envenoms.

Anyone finding additional information or references, please do let me know.

I might take this on as a project in its own right in the foreseeable future, or perhaps it is something a guest writer, anonymous or public, could do?

Albania https://www.alo116.al/ § -
Austria www.rataufdraht.at - -
Belgium https://childfocus.be/ www.sireas.be https://www.dei-belgique.be/
Bulgaria http://www.centrenadja.com/ www.iss-bg.org -
Croatia https://cnzd.org/ § -
Cyprus https://www.uncrcpc.org/ § -
Denmark https://bornsvilkar.dk/ - -
Finland https://www.lastenperusoikeudet.fi/ § -
France http://www.droitdenfance.org/ http://www.droitdenfance.org/ https://www.dei-france.org/
Germany https://weisser-ring.de/ http://www.issger.de/ -
Greece https://www.hamogelo.gr/ https://iss-greece.gr/ https://www.defenceforchildrengreece.org/
Hungary https://kek-vonal.hu/ http://www.csagyi.hu/ -
Ireland https://www.ispcc.ie/ http://www.tusla.ie/ -
Italy https://azzurro.it/ http://www.defenceforchildren.it/ http://www.defenceforchildren.it/
Latvia https://www.bezvests.lv/ http://www.tm.gov.lv/ -
Lithuania https://www.missing.lt/ § -
Netherlands https://kinderontvoering.org/ http://www.issnetherlands.nl/ http://www.defenceforchildren.nl/
Poland http://www.itaka.org.pl/ § -
Portugal https://iacrianca.pt/ http://www.appassi.org.pt/ -
Romania https://www.salvaticopiii.ro/ http://www.generatietanara.ro/ -
Serbia https://astra.rs/ http://www.atina.org.rs/ -
Slovakia http://www.ldi.sk/ § -
Spain https://www.anar.org/ https://www.cruzroja.es/ https://www.dni-es.org/
Switzerland https://www.ssiss.ch/ https://www.ssiss.ch/ https://defenceforchildren.org/
United Kingdom https://www.missingpeople.org.uk/ http://www.cfab.org.uk/ -
Ukraine http://magnolia.org.ua/ § -
~ ~ ~ ~
Czech Republic - http://www.umpod.cz/ dcicz.org
Malta - http://www.appogg.gov.mt/ -
Moldova - http://www.avecopiii.md/ -

§ = ISS claims to have a temporary partner in the country, without being transparent as to who the partners is. – = I could not immediately find information.

Tags: #Rights #Sexual #Kidnapping

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information provided as is, without prejudice, without any prejudicial recognition, and with reservation of all rights, expressly without recognition of any Swiss competence which remains contested

for the avoidance of any doubt whatsoever, all information on this blog, such as but not limited to documents and/or audio recordings and/or video recordings and/or pictures mentioned, have been made and/or collected, and published, in the interest of justice and the public at large

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