Whistleblowing how Swiss authorities are (co)responsible for child kidnapping, sexual and psychological violence on children, and persecute whistleblowers.
Swiss authorities defying Swiss court order and human rights, my children were again not presented at 14:00. In addition, they claim postal letters. I guess Switzerland still uses pigeons and they get lost on the way ...
Swiss authorities keep saying they can not act in the face of child sexual integrity violations (CSIV), that it is someone else who should act. This is another the Swiss authorities get on my wick topic in two parts.
The #story of our language context, and how Swiss authorities violate language human #rights in a persecuting fashion. You'll understand why taking the time to do part 1 of this series was really important at the end, when giving examples of how even Swiss law is shown to violate Language Human Rights.
Strange times are these, in which we live, forsooth ;
When young and old are taught in Falsehood's school:–
And the man who dares to tell the truth,
Is called at once a lunatic and fool.
The use, and particularly abuse, of international instruments by law violating authorities such as Switzerland. How safe are you from wrongdoing by someone working in a function of authority, across borders?
Testament to the lawlessness in Switzerland, and the freedom of Swiss authorities to commit human rights violations, the Swiss Federal Prosecutor (FP) states he can not do anything !