children for status


It's no secret authorities across the world fail child protection miserably. Particularly young children are alienated on all fronts, unable to take up arms for themselves. People get profoundly touched by this problematic failing


When a director of a canton's highest protection authority runs both private and public money and policy; does so at cantonal, national and international levels; and transparency & public scrutiny are denied for over 3 decades ... Meet the Neuchatel corrupted child and adult protection ghost: Christian Fellrath (CF).


Third post in the ongoing series of Neuchatel authority perpetrators, who's who? Yanick Bussy (YB) officially announced on May 23rd 2022 an internal investigation into the criminality and corruption in his Neuchatel Child Protection Office, which never happened...


On May 12th 2021 Manuela de Montmollin (MdM) from the cantonal child protection OPE services threatened (on recording): if sexual abuse and/or kidnapping to Switzerland would be true, my children would need to be placed in foster homes because the Swiss authorities would never send my kidnapped children back home to safety.


To my kids ... In memoriam to Sinéad's transformation of lived atrocity into art, outspoken victim of sexual abuse by her mother, as so many others who have been victims of violence by their mothers, and are silenced in deep rooted societal taboo.


Who's who and how “interdisciplinary collegial” are they? A run down of abuse of power, trade in influence, corruption, and how it makes the protection services complicit to Child Sexual (CSIV) and Psychological (CPIV) Integrity Violations.


incest, the sexual abuse of children inside the family, that is probably the most common, most widespread, most reprehensible, most disgraceful, socially unacceptable, morally repugnant and spiritually harmful betrayal of children within the whole array of contemporary forms of slavery


We are the 17th consecutive week of Swiss court ordered contact rights violations by Swiss authorities. We've seen how the highest judicial authority makes certain to not be informed of the Child Human Rights violations, which happens again today. Today, 3 confirmations of reception by other involved authorities thanks to ... the holidays!


I can cry, I can jump, I can fly to the moon and back, I am chuffed, I am ... I even opened a twitter account! Yes, me, on social media. Gulp. (all those who know me are crying out in sync: oh my god!) And behold, I even tweeted!

THE UN YESTERDAY DID NOT PUT IN A RESOLUTION UNSRVAW'S REPORT in which feminists tried to ban alienation.